Our mission is to change the world, but we haven’t figured out how to do it just yet. In the meantime, we hope you will consider donating to organizations that we care about deeply. Check them out in our profiles below, and give extra love to our picks of the week!
In the spirit of transparency, TTISOD’s By-Laws are here.

No longer an x-ray vision wunderkind, Lexray Visioné turned to indie academia for a new kind of vision, and now goes by Professor Visioné. Armed with the ability to bridge theory and practice, she sets her sights on intellectual enlightenment through accessible, non-hierarchical education initiatives.

A former DJ, Rapid Glitch was once a huge name in the party circuit. Since discovering his power to amplify and mute sound without equipment, Rapid Glitch has turned his attention to leveling the playing field by equalizing the factors that contribute to social and economic inequities.

Armed with the powerful ability to make things grow, Sparky Lightstep uses her talents to catalyze sustainable food systems. Not stopping at plants, her power also fertilizes the seeds of cooperative team spirit. Sparky is driven to accelerate the growth of eco-awareness and reverse climate change.

Springster unwittingly gained the power of enhanced jumping during an arcane mourning ritual for his late pet frog. Hailing from a faraway land where people cannot move freely, Springster hopes to teach others how to jump beyond borders in his quest for free migration across the globe.

No longer hidden behind a mask, The Big Liberjinski boldly continues his mission of making the world a more beautiful place… literally. Big harnesses the beauty of those around him to create awe-inspiring spectacles. He is committed to upping the importance of art and beauty in the world.

Formerly known as M Cubed, new mom Mmm inadvertently gave all her abilities to her now super-powered son during childbirth. Trying to make the best of her losses, she hopes to patent a SuperPump that will support her mission to create breast-milk elixirs that will empower babies in need.

Shrouded in mystery, Shadow’s origins remain unclear. What’s clear, however, is his desire to disentangle himself from a sordid past in which his ability to implant thoughts and ideas was too easliy abused. Shadow is now putting his energy into finding new modes of expression through musical theater.

Rijeku is the media artist mastermind behind TTISOD’s SuperStrip. After attending several meetings she was able to connect their individual missions and brands, and direct them toward important do-gooding organizations that they can get behind, and that you can now support.
- Trip the Light Fantastic: The Making of SuperStrip
- #TitleArtistComposerTimeID
- 01.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-01.-Mission-1-Pots-n-Pans.mp3Mission 1 - Pots n PansTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com4:31s1audio/mpeg80
- 02.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-02.-Support-Circle-1.mp3Support Circle 1TTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:27s2audio/mpeg80
- 03.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-03.-Springster-Azteca.mp3Springster - AztecaTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:20s3audio/mpeg80
- 04.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-05.-Profs-SuperTechnique-Circus-Style.mp3Prof's Super Technique - Circus StyleTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com4:20s4audio/mpeg80
- 05.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-07.-Mission-2.mp3Mission 2TTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:34s5audio/mpeg80
- 06.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-08.-Bigs-Intro-Liberjinski.mp3Big's Intro - LiberjinskiTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com1:33s6audio/mpeg80
- 07.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-09.-Small-Groups-Smooth.mp3Small Groups - SmoothTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:12s7audio/mpeg80
- 08.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-10.-Glitch-Clavinet-Clavicle-2.0.mp3Glitch - Clavinet Clavicle 2.0TTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com1:26s8audio/mpeg80
- 09.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-11.-Support-Circle-2.mp3Support Circle 2TTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:50s9audio/mpeg80
- 10.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-12.-Kryptonite-Interlude-Nobody-Can-Do.mp3Kryptonite Interlude - Nobody Can DoTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com1:08s10audio/mpeg80
- 11.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-13.-The-Vanguard.mp3Bunny Patootie - The VanguardTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com2:44s11audio/mpeg80
- 12.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-14.-Buckets-Hustlin.mp3Buckets - HustlinTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:31s12audio/mpeg80
- 13.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-15.-Mtg-6-Montage-Problems.mp3Mtg 6 Montage - ProblemsTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:43s13audio/mpeg80
- 14.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-16.-Mindy-Flying-Pocahontus.mp3Mindy Flying - PocahontusTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com3:04s14audio/mpeg80
- 15.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-17.-Can-I-just-say-ElectroFunk.mp3Can I just say - ElectroFunkTTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com1:03s15audio/mpeg80
- 16.http://ttisod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/TTISOD-18.-Mission-3.mp3Mission 3TTISOD.comMichael Caskey (michaeljaycaskey@yahoo.com) - bunnypatootie.com4:19s16audio/mpeg80